Marriage Proposal Outside Half Moon Bay’s Ritz Carlton
A former client of mine reached out to me about a month ago and asked if I was available to photograph his friend proposing to his girlfriend. I was unavailable at that time since it was so last minute. However, I asked if I could help in any other way. I helped his friend find other photographers, but due to California having a terrible storm that week, the date for the proposal was rescheduled for a later date. A few weeks later, I received a text message. It was my former client’s friend. He asked again if I could help him out by photographing him propose to his girlfriend. I looked at my calendar and saw that I was available, so I agreed to do it. After a few more weeks of texting and calling each other, we had the proposal planned out. Below you can find some of the photographs taken right outside of the Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay and the proposal.